Soccer Mommy

Written by Megan Hoch
Take the edge off with the nostalgia of childhood and the comfort of your favorite tequila. The Soccer Mommy is a punchy treat that will bring you back to the 90's (or whenever you last experienced childhood joy).


  • Recipe makes two drinks:
  • 2-3 shots of silver tequila (or mezcal)
  • Pacific Cooler Capri Sun (1 pouch)
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Splash of Campari
  • Garnish with a clementine slice


  1. In a cocktail shaker, combine lime juice, tequila, Pacific Cooler Capri Sun over ice. Shake well.
  2. Pour mixture into glass with ice.
  3. Top off with a splash of Campari. Stir.
  4. Garnish with a clementine slice.

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Meet the Author

I'm Megan Hoch, an amateur mixologist from Los Angeles, California.

I like to experiment with making cocktails with my partner Sarah