
Written by Rebecca Dietrich
A lovely winter Cocktail with a christmassy flavour. Ps. It's called after my favorite disney movie.


  • 5 cl CarlosI
  • 2.5cl fresh lemon juice
  • 2.5cl fresh madarine juice
  • 2cl saltnuts syrup
  • 2cl aquafaba (as a vegan substitute for egg white)
  • Grated saltnuts


  1. Add all ingredients into a shaker.
  2. Shake, dry shake
  3. Pour everything into a chilled coupette.
  4. Gratw saltnuts over it.
  5. Enjoy.
  6. For the Saltnuts syrup use 1:1:0.5 water, sugar and saltnuts. Add salt nuts to the water overnight and pour the contents through a sieve into another container. Squeeze the nuts out with a cloth. Bring the salt nut water with sugar to the boil. Let everything cool down, before you use it.

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Meet the Author

I'm Rebecca Dietrich, a professional mixologist from Bern, Bern.

I'm a professional and passionate bartender from Bern. I love both, mixology and flairbartending.

I love to travel, summer, cocktails, and most of all spending time with my friends.