Nuclear Waste No.1

Written by yesaya ROTINSULU
The cocktail was inspired by Rolling Stone legendary guitarist, Keith Richard who always loves to drink one of the legendary cocktail Screwdriver but he wants to try something new with just splash of soda that brings more freshness. It becomes his favorite drink and he named the cocktail NUCLEAR WASTE. Using legendary London No. 1 gin as a twist and Indonesian touch of turmeric, I believe the drink will become LEGENDARY just like Keith Richard with his guitar


  • 45 ML - Gin London No.1
  • 30 ML - Homemade Clarified turmeric saffron honey
  • 10 ML - Citrus (fresh lemon)
  • Top Up with Orange soap foam


  1. Build all ingredients in mixing glass
  2. Stir a minimum of 20 second
  3. Serve in a nick & nora glass with orange soap foam and edible flower
  4. ANGKAT !!!!!!!

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Meet the Author

I'm yesaya ROTINSULU, a professional mixologist from jakarta, Jakarta. I practice my craft at Basque Bar De Tapas . Stop by and see me sometime!

my name is yesaya rotinsulu i am from indonesia, jakarta i started my career in bar from 2007 until now, and now position as bar development.