Ruby Berry Cup

Written by Georgi Petrov
A dark Ruby colour cocktail based on Gin with a wonderful fruity flavour and dray and savoury notes. With a strong presence of berries and touch of bitter from the Campari, the cocktail is a fantastic refreshing sipper.


  • 15ml Campari Bitter
  • 7.5ml Monin Rooibos Syrup
  • 7.5ml Grenadine (homemade)
  • 15ml Lime Juice (freshly squeezed)
  • Cranberry Juice
  • 5 Fresh Blackberries
  • 5 Fresh Blueberries (for garnish)


  1. Muddle in your shaker the blackberries together with the rooibos syrup and the grenadine.
  2. Add the gin, like juice, Campari and ice.
  3. Shake and fine strain into a highball glass.
  4. Add fresh ice, top with cranberry juice and stir gently.
  5. Garnish with 5 blueberries on a bamboo cocktail pick.

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Meet the Author

I'm Georgi Petrov, a professional mixologist from Blackburn, Lancashire. I practice my craft at The Italian Orchard. Stop by and see me sometime!

My name is Georgi Petrov, a professional bartender, mixologist and cocktail consultant. I start my bartender career in 1995 in a small bar and dinner with live music.

Forward a few years later, and I was a member of the Bulgarian Bar Association(BBA) which is part of the International Bar Association (IBA). While competing and being involved more deeply into the industry, I established myself as one of the top bartenders in the country.

In 2006 I stopped and decided to travel the world. Live toke a different direction, and after a long time away from the bartending I get back on board in 2018 creating Just Shake or Stir. In the beginning, it was to share my passion for mixology and bartending but slowly involved, and again I am back in the industry full time.

Since 2018 I worked with many brands, creating cocktail recipes and providing consultations.

Is nice to be back and I can't wait for with the feature holds.