Punch Whiskey Cocktail

Written by Liny Panicker
A Cocktail mix with Glenlivet. A part of Glenlivet 12, a part of freshly squeezed Orange Juice, a spoon of Ginger Extract and shake it well with Lime Juice, Soda and Ice Cubes..not to forget to garnish it well with Orange Wheels!


  • 40 ml Glenlivet 12
  • 60ml Freshly squeezed Orange juice
  • A spoon of Ginger Extract
  • 10ml Lime Juice
  • 20ml Soda
  • Ice Cubes


  1. Shake it up :)

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Meet the Author

I'm Liny Panicker, an amateur mixologist from Dubai, Dubai.

I'm Liny Panicker, an amateur mixologist from Dubai, Dubai.