Solo Lux

Written by Alan Whitsett
A crisp cold vodka martini with a hint of sweet, enough to just round off the corners of the vodka. Ever so soft pink coloring with a Luxardo cherry garnish.


  • 2 oz. top shelf vodka ( Grey Goose, Belvedere, Purity)
  • 1/3 tsp Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur
  • a couple drops syrup from Luxardo cherry bottle
  • A single Luxardo cherry garnish


  1. In a shaker with ice, add vodka and Luxardo liqueur. Shake vigorously for 30-40 seconds, strain into martini glass, or rocks glass. Dip spoon into Luxardo cherry bottle to wet with syrup then lightly stir into drink. Garnish with a single Luxardo cherry on a skewer

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Meet the Author

I'm Alan Whitsett, an amateur mixologist from SAN JOSE, California.

Enhancer of culinary experience at La ForĂȘt San Jose, California